What Does a General Construction (GC) Do?


General construction encompasses the design and construction of a wide range of buildings. This includes both residential and commercial projects. The term is often used interchangeably with "contractor" or "builder."

A GC oversees all aspects of the construction process, and he or she is responsible for maintaining a safe construction site, providing professional services, and paying subcontractors on time. They are also accountable for all costs associated with the project, including labor, materials, and equipment.

Fort lauderdale general construction  must also ensure that the design and blueprint of the project are followed and that all parties involved know the specific requirements. This can include working with the architect to make sure that all components are properly built as per design standards.

Human resource management is another essential skill for a GC. As the person in charge of the human resources involved in a major commercial construction project, a GC must be able to manage the many people on site and coordinate with them to ensure that the project is completed as scheduled.

In addition, a GC must be able provide timely and accurate information about the project's progress to the owner. This includes communicating with all parties, ensuring that everyone has the right equipment and tools, and handling any issues that may arise during construction.

The size of the structure, as well as its load bearing constraints, also factor into determining which construction type is best. Larger structures will typically require heavy-duty construction types, while small or medium-sized structures are generally better suited for lighter materials such as wood.

These factors can be particularly important for projects that will see a significant amount of traffic, such as hotels or offices. If the construction is intended to be used by a large number of people over a long period of time, it's vital to choose a material that will be able to handle the wear and tear.

Depending on the scope of work required, a GC must be able identify and negotiate with the appropriate subcontractors. This involves finding subcontractors who have specialized experience in the specific aspects of the project.

This can be a challenging task for a GC, as it can take some time to find qualified, affordable subcontractors and build relationships with them.

A GC must also be able to oversee the sourcing of raw materials and building components, ensuring that vendors are paid on time and in full. This can involve negotiating with vendors for lower prices, reviewing their capacity, and identifying quality work.

Once the GC is satisfied with the supply of materials, they must then work with the architect to ensure that the construction process will be carried out according to the blueprint. This will ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

The GC must also be able to manage and organize the logistics of the project, ensuring that all parts of the construction process stay on schedule. This can include coordinating with other contractors, planning for the arrival of new construction equipment and supplies, and hiring a site manager to keep things running smoothly. Check out this post that has expounded on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_contractor  .

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